Pet Nutritional Requirements Facts
5 Essential Facts You Need To Know About Your Pet’s Nutrition
Bestowing an ocean of love on our pets, is something we all live for. Don’t we always want the best for our pets? In this process of wishing a happy and healthy life for them, it is important to understand that their food, their nutrition is directly proportional to their well-being.
Pet food can be complicated, and it is always good to separate the facts from the fiction, so that you can feed your pets with an appropriate amount of well-balanced diet, which would go a long way in making them healthy and happy throughout. Thus, given below are some essential facts that we wanted to put forth, to help you understand the basics of pet nutrition:
The Nutritional Requirements for Dogs.
The essential nutrients required for all the basic functions of the body and as a part of the dog’s regular diet, include proteins, minerals, vitamins, water, carbohydrates and fats. The maximum tolerable amounts, the minimum dietary requirements have all been established by the AAFCO, the guidelines of which are the general basis that is supposed to be met with, for the nutritional content of commercial pet foods. Also, visit us for the perfect, freshly-baked treats, filled with love and nutrients, for your pets. In case of doubts, you can always contact your veterinarian for more information about the specific nutritional requirements for your dog.
Are Life-Stage Diets Really Required for Pets?
Even though puppies and kittens have greater requirements than cats and dogs, there is no need for diets that are specially designed for puppies and kittens. Young pets can do best with varied, good quality diets. Puppies can have canned, dehydrated, freeze-dried, raw and dry foods. Whereas, cats and kittens being obligate carnivores, eat a lot of meat and little carbohydrates, and so, dehydrated, canned, raw and free-dried foods, along with supplementing kibble for high meat, grain-free foods are the best options for them. Also, feeding younger animals almost 3 times per day, and 2 meals a day after the age of three to four months, helps a lot. Similarly, giving easy-to-digest and nutritious foods to senior animals is necessary.
What Food is Better? Dry Food or Canned Food?
When speaking about dry and canned food, there is no specific difference in terms of digestibility and the number of nutrients. The decision for dry or canned food should be taken based on your budget and preferences. For dogs having particular dietary requirements, or those that need to take in more water, canned foods can suit the best. Kibble, is otherwise well suited for most dogs.
Exercising is Important.
Might not seem like it, but obesity can be a huge problem for your pets. There are some easy ways to find out, whether your pet is overweight or not. You could try running your hand along the backbone and ribs of your pet. If you do not feel the bones without pressing down, there are chances of your pet being overweight. Boosting your pet’s physical activities, and having them exercise, could help your pet lose the extra pounds. More running at the parks or longer walks could work for your dog, whereas more playtime during the day, could suit the best for your cat.
Can Cat and Dog Foods be eaten Interchangeably?
Most of the foods that are available for cats and dogs, are produced specifically for either cats OR dogs, owing to the specific requirements for each. While there is an availability of few canned foods that are suitable for both, eating foods interchangeably otherwise, can cause a lot of risks for the pets, since the requirement of fats and proteins is higher for cats than dogs, along with other specific requirements for the consumption of additional taurine. Cats consuming dog foods are at risk for developing deficiencies in important amino acids, as well as at risk of gaining weight, while dogs that eat a lot of cat food, have a risk of getting pancreatitis, and weight gain.
Along with the facts stated above, it is vital to know the exact amount of calories required for your pet, along with all the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates levels, the exact vitamins and minerals, and the required amount of water consumption, so that your four-legged friend can be in the pink of his health, and keep loving you always!